Special Thanks
We would like to say thanks first to our husbands and children who have endured delayed dinners and days of leftovers, not to mention the unfolded laundry and unswept floors, so that we can write. Thanks to our children for the extra babysitting, and our spouses for the single parenting they have done while we write, meet with one another, and escape to glorious weekend writer's conferences every chance we get! Thanks to our parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins and countless other relatives who are reading our writing and spreading the good news of our website. Thanks to our friends who are always encouraging us and have already signed up for our first books, whenever that may be. We thank you all for your encouragement and grace when we temporarily forget you for the world we are writing in. (I know, never end a sentence with a preposition. Thanks to all the English teachers that gave me angst over that sentence.) Thanks to everyone else who is taking the time to read our writing, either because you are a friend or a relative of someone who knows us or because you just happened upon this greatness and have chosen to stick with it. We appreciate you. We hope to have many great things come of this website. Thanks again to everyone!
~The Six Chicks
~The Six Chicks