"It took us most of the night to figure it out. We couldn't understand why I wasn't able to reverse the spell from the South Pole. I should have been able to do it so I tried again here in the North Pole in case proximity made a difference. It did but the force field didn't go away, it just shimmered and pulsed," said Sandy.
"So we got to talking about the spell and what she did for the spell and how she felt after she cast the spell and we think we've figured it out!" said Santa. "We think because it was such a powerful spell that encompasses such a large area and required all of her power to produce that she may need every ounce of her magic to reverse the spell."
"And since you and your family have some of my magic, I need your help to reverse the spell," said Sandy.
YES! I was going to get to use magic.
"We don't know how to use magic," said Jacob.
Small detail.
"Actually, you don't need to do magic, I just need you to combine your magic with mine so we can reverse the spell," said Sandy.
"How do we do that?" I asked.
"Sandy and I have been chatting about the best way to do that. There are three different ways to combine magic. One involves death so we skipped that option entirely! Another way to combine magic is to make a potion but that takes too long time to make. It would definitely work but we don't have the time to make the potion. The last option is an easy and quick way to combine magic between magical creatures but it isn't as powerful and so it may not be successful," said Santa.
"Yes," Sandy continued, "all we have to do is hold hands in a circle while I chant the spell. This method works best if you need a small boost to your magic for a spell or if you want the spell to be able to be reversed by more than one person."
"This option wouldn't work if it were Sandy and I combining our magic. It wouldn't be powerful enough," said Santa. "However, because you are actually combining magic from the same source, we think it might have enough power to destroy the force field. We couldn't find any instances of magic from the same source actually ever being combined together before, but there's always a first."
Just then Mom, Dad, and Abbie came in followed by Penguin Pete and Penguin Jeffrey. We filled them in as Santa guided us down the hall toward the mudroom. Once we got to the mudroom everyone started getting on their winter clothes.
"Why are we getting dressed to go outside?" asked Abbie. I was wondering the same thing.
"I'm not exactly sure how the spell is going to react with all of your magic behind it so I'd rather we be outside in a large open area. Spells are tricky things sometimes," said Santa.
"Yes, especially spells of this magnitude," said Sandy.
Just then Mrs. Claus joined us, suited up already for outside. "This is so exciting!" she said.
I thought it was too!
After we had our jackets and boots on, we went outside. Santa led us to the main square, which was a short distance from most of the buildings but still far enough away from everything. Many of the animals and elves that were outside moving around turned to stare at us and must have been wondering what was going on. They probably figured it had something to do with destroying the force field and they'd be right. They started gathering around us and then penguins, reindeer and elves started coming out of buildings as well. Pretty soon it looked like everyone in the North Pole was moving toward the main square.
Santa gathered us around him. I felt like I was in a huddle at my soccer game. Santa was going to give us the winning strategy, we hoped. "Okay, really all you have to do is hold hands with Sandy while she says the spell," said Santa. "We are assuming that since your magic can only be used in emergencies that the magic will recognize the truly urgent nature of this case and combine with Sandy's. We just have to hope that it will be enough to destroy the force field. Think good "destruction of the force field" thoughts. That goes for everyone gathered here!"
Santa stepped away from us and stood by Mom and Mrs. Claus.
Sandy said in a quiet voice just for us, "Gather in a circle and hope for the best. There's nothing you can really do to activate the magic in you but it can't hurt to think really hard about destroying the force field. Grab each other's hands and then we'll get started."
I grabbed Dad's hand on my right and Abbie's hand on my left. Jacob was on Dad's left and Sandy completed the circle. We all looked at each other and then Sandy started saying the spell, using words I didn't understand. I did my part and thought really hard about destroying that force field. I imagined it disintegrating right before my eyes or being blown up into a million pieces that floated away into the sky or maybe it melted back to earth but I didn't like the idea of being covered in force field goop. All of a sudden I realized I was feeling weird, like I wanted to throw up or something. My insides were turning around on me and I thought I might lose that yummy cinnamon role from this morning. I got goose bumps underneath all those layers of clothes but I wasn't cold. My legs were a little rubbery too but I knew I had to keep standing. The magic was starting to work, either that or I was getting sick, really sick. I felt Dad squeezing my hand and I squeezed it back. I did the same for Abbie and she squeezed my hand too. It was good to remember I wasn't doing this alone. I could do this. We needed that force field destroyed. We needed to save Christmas for the boys and girls of the world.
All of a sudden, Sandy stopped talking and I saw light coming from the top of each of us. It gathered together into a large ball of light and then shot up into the sky. The light hit the force field and we could see a small hole begin and stretch across the sky. It looked as if the force field was being burnt away by the light. The light or fire spread further and further across the sky and the force field slowly disappeared. Eventually, we couldn't see it anymore as it burned it's way behind the buildings and down to the ground.
A cheer went up from everyone around us. I realized I was on my knees in the snow and stood up. Santa, Mrs. Claus and Mom were there hugging everyone and congratulating us. I was tired. I didn't feel good. I tried to talk to Mom but nothing came out. Everyone started getting fuzzy and then it all went black.
I woke up in my room in Snow Cottage. Jacob wasn't there but I heard talking down the hallway. I pulled off the covers and hurried toward the talking. I needed to know that I hadn't dreamt the entire thing. There was Mom, Dad, Jacob and Abbie sitting around the fire drinking hot chocolate.
"Mom, Dad, what happened?" I asked.
"You fainted!" laughed Jacob. "The most exciting day of our lives and you fainted!"
"Jacob! That's enough. Ethan, you did faint. Santa thinks the magic might have been too much for you. Since you are younger than everyone else that might make sense. Are you feeling okay?" asked Mom.
"I'm fine. So the force field is gone?" I asked. "It was destroyed, right? It wasn't a dream?"
"No it wasn't a dream and yes, it really is gone. Here, drink some hot chocolate," said Dad.
The hot chocolate tasted yummy and I realized it was just what I needed.
"Santa even took Jacob and I for a ride in his sleigh while Mom and Dad brought you back to the cottage. We could see the mark in the snow where the force field had burned to the ground," said Abbie. "But don't worry, he said he would take us all for a ride before he leaves on his Christmas Eve run."
"Oh, good. I wanted to take another ride on the sleigh," I said and drank some more chocolate.
"Me, too," said Mom.
"I'd like another go at that as well," said Dad. "How are you feeling? Do you feel up to heading back to the workshop and see what's going on?"
"Yes! I'd like that ride before Santa has to leave," I replied.
"Then let's get out of here. We were just waiting for you Ethan!" said Jacob.
We all headed up to the workshop. Santa was instructing elves on the placement of the bags in the sleigh when we arrived.
"We'll need to shift the bags a little this year. Since Sandy is coming with me, there will not be any room in the front seat. All the bags have to fit in the back seat. Put the first bag I deliver, the one to Eastern Russia, New Zealand, Australia and the other small islands, on the top and then stack each of the bags underneath that. That will help Sandy to keep then straight. Thanks!" said Santa. He turned and saw us, "Ahh, Ethan, you're up. How are you feeling?"
"Fine now," said Ethan.
"Magic can take a lot out of you. Glad to see you're doing okay!" said Santa.
"Did you say Sandy was going with you this year Santa?" asked Abbie.
"She is indeed," said Santa. "It's time she learned the ropes."
"Yes, it's time I learned the ropes but I'm still a little nervous about it all," said Sandy who had just walked in. Santa put his arm around her.
"Plus, it's the perfect opportunity for us to find Sandy a husband, isn't it?" asked Santa.
"Oh Santa, let's not go there yet," said Sandy.
"You never know what destiny has in store for you Sandy," said Santa.
"Just as long as you don't help destiny along, we'll be just fine," said Sandy.
"If not this year, perhaps next," said Santa. "I plan on taking Sandy every year from now on."
"Let's just get through this year and we'll see if I want to go again next year," said Sandy.
"Well, kids, are you ready for your ride?" asked Santa. We all nodded, including my parents who aren't really kids. "Great because the elves are going to start packing the sleigh soon for the run tomorrow and I'm sure Mrs. Claus will have dinner ready shortly as well."
"Yes and besides, we're going to need to go back home soon," said Mom.
We all groaned, including Dad.
"But not before our sleigh ride and another dinner at the North Pole," said Santa.
"Deal!" we all yelled and headed out to the reindeer barn.
We had a fantastic ride that took us all over the North Pole. I have no idea how long we were gone but we were all cold and windswept by the time we returned to the reindeer barn. We said good-bye to the reindeer for the last time since we knew we had to leave the North Pole pretty soon and then headed up to the workshop for dinner. Dinner was delicious as always. Mrs. Claus had made ham and potatoes, our family's traditional Christmas dinner with cheesecake for dessert. Yummy! I'm going to miss Mrs. Claus' food. It was then I realized I didn't know Mrs. Claus' name.
"Mrs. Claus, do you have a first name?" I asked.
"Ethan!" said Mom and Dad together. I guess I wasn't supposed to ask that.
"Nonsense," said Mrs. Claus to Mom and Dad. "It's a valid question. Yes dear, I have a first name. It's Kim but my friends call me Kimmie. I'd be thrilled if you would call me Kimmie for I feel you are a dear friend."
I love Mrs. Claus, Kimmie, and not just for her food either.
In came Penguin Pete, "Well, it's time to get going. I've got to get you home and be back to help Santa and he will need to leave sooner rather than later. Penguin Jeffrey brought all of your things so please get dressed. I've included an extra jacket for Jacob so he won't get cold on the way back but please, next time bring your own."
Yes! Penguin Pete talked about a next time! We quickly put on our jackets and boots, mittens and scarves because we knew Pete had a long night ahead of him. Santa and Sandy came back from the workshop and gave us all quick hugs before they hurried off again. Mrs. Claus had hugs for everyone but I think I got an extra special one from her. I tend to be the favorite in our family. It's because I'm the youngest and cutest. It's hard not to love me.
We looked at each other and then at Penguin Pete.
"Well, it looks like you're ready to go. I want to extend my deepest thanks to all of you for the service you have given to Santa, Sandy, the North Pole and the entire world. We all thank-you," said Penguin Pete.
"That's a very nice speech Penguin Pete. Now get these folks home so they can truly celebrate Christmas," said Mrs. Claus.
And with that we followed Penguin Pete into the large North Pole freezer where ice particles started swirling through the air and before I knew it I was passing by Mom's Dove bars and exiting the freezer at home. Penguin Pete wasn't anywhere to be seen and the freezer door stood open. I looked around and everyone was brushing the ice from their jackets and taking off their winter gear. I moved toward the freezer door to close it but before I did, I whispered into the freezer, "Thanks Pete."
I heard a faint "No, thank-you Ethan!" as I closed the freezer door.
A great big thank-you to my husband who helped me edit this story and to my kids who helped around the house while Mom wrote! Thanks for reading this!
"So we got to talking about the spell and what she did for the spell and how she felt after she cast the spell and we think we've figured it out!" said Santa. "We think because it was such a powerful spell that encompasses such a large area and required all of her power to produce that she may need every ounce of her magic to reverse the spell."
"And since you and your family have some of my magic, I need your help to reverse the spell," said Sandy.
YES! I was going to get to use magic.
"We don't know how to use magic," said Jacob.
Small detail.
"Actually, you don't need to do magic, I just need you to combine your magic with mine so we can reverse the spell," said Sandy.
"How do we do that?" I asked.
"Sandy and I have been chatting about the best way to do that. There are three different ways to combine magic. One involves death so we skipped that option entirely! Another way to combine magic is to make a potion but that takes too long time to make. It would definitely work but we don't have the time to make the potion. The last option is an easy and quick way to combine magic between magical creatures but it isn't as powerful and so it may not be successful," said Santa.
"Yes," Sandy continued, "all we have to do is hold hands in a circle while I chant the spell. This method works best if you need a small boost to your magic for a spell or if you want the spell to be able to be reversed by more than one person."
"This option wouldn't work if it were Sandy and I combining our magic. It wouldn't be powerful enough," said Santa. "However, because you are actually combining magic from the same source, we think it might have enough power to destroy the force field. We couldn't find any instances of magic from the same source actually ever being combined together before, but there's always a first."
Just then Mom, Dad, and Abbie came in followed by Penguin Pete and Penguin Jeffrey. We filled them in as Santa guided us down the hall toward the mudroom. Once we got to the mudroom everyone started getting on their winter clothes.
"Why are we getting dressed to go outside?" asked Abbie. I was wondering the same thing.
"I'm not exactly sure how the spell is going to react with all of your magic behind it so I'd rather we be outside in a large open area. Spells are tricky things sometimes," said Santa.
"Yes, especially spells of this magnitude," said Sandy.
Just then Mrs. Claus joined us, suited up already for outside. "This is so exciting!" she said.
I thought it was too!
After we had our jackets and boots on, we went outside. Santa led us to the main square, which was a short distance from most of the buildings but still far enough away from everything. Many of the animals and elves that were outside moving around turned to stare at us and must have been wondering what was going on. They probably figured it had something to do with destroying the force field and they'd be right. They started gathering around us and then penguins, reindeer and elves started coming out of buildings as well. Pretty soon it looked like everyone in the North Pole was moving toward the main square.
Santa gathered us around him. I felt like I was in a huddle at my soccer game. Santa was going to give us the winning strategy, we hoped. "Okay, really all you have to do is hold hands with Sandy while she says the spell," said Santa. "We are assuming that since your magic can only be used in emergencies that the magic will recognize the truly urgent nature of this case and combine with Sandy's. We just have to hope that it will be enough to destroy the force field. Think good "destruction of the force field" thoughts. That goes for everyone gathered here!"
Santa stepped away from us and stood by Mom and Mrs. Claus.
Sandy said in a quiet voice just for us, "Gather in a circle and hope for the best. There's nothing you can really do to activate the magic in you but it can't hurt to think really hard about destroying the force field. Grab each other's hands and then we'll get started."
I grabbed Dad's hand on my right and Abbie's hand on my left. Jacob was on Dad's left and Sandy completed the circle. We all looked at each other and then Sandy started saying the spell, using words I didn't understand. I did my part and thought really hard about destroying that force field. I imagined it disintegrating right before my eyes or being blown up into a million pieces that floated away into the sky or maybe it melted back to earth but I didn't like the idea of being covered in force field goop. All of a sudden I realized I was feeling weird, like I wanted to throw up or something. My insides were turning around on me and I thought I might lose that yummy cinnamon role from this morning. I got goose bumps underneath all those layers of clothes but I wasn't cold. My legs were a little rubbery too but I knew I had to keep standing. The magic was starting to work, either that or I was getting sick, really sick. I felt Dad squeezing my hand and I squeezed it back. I did the same for Abbie and she squeezed my hand too. It was good to remember I wasn't doing this alone. I could do this. We needed that force field destroyed. We needed to save Christmas for the boys and girls of the world.
All of a sudden, Sandy stopped talking and I saw light coming from the top of each of us. It gathered together into a large ball of light and then shot up into the sky. The light hit the force field and we could see a small hole begin and stretch across the sky. It looked as if the force field was being burnt away by the light. The light or fire spread further and further across the sky and the force field slowly disappeared. Eventually, we couldn't see it anymore as it burned it's way behind the buildings and down to the ground.
A cheer went up from everyone around us. I realized I was on my knees in the snow and stood up. Santa, Mrs. Claus and Mom were there hugging everyone and congratulating us. I was tired. I didn't feel good. I tried to talk to Mom but nothing came out. Everyone started getting fuzzy and then it all went black.
I woke up in my room in Snow Cottage. Jacob wasn't there but I heard talking down the hallway. I pulled off the covers and hurried toward the talking. I needed to know that I hadn't dreamt the entire thing. There was Mom, Dad, Jacob and Abbie sitting around the fire drinking hot chocolate.
"Mom, Dad, what happened?" I asked.
"You fainted!" laughed Jacob. "The most exciting day of our lives and you fainted!"
"Jacob! That's enough. Ethan, you did faint. Santa thinks the magic might have been too much for you. Since you are younger than everyone else that might make sense. Are you feeling okay?" asked Mom.
"I'm fine. So the force field is gone?" I asked. "It was destroyed, right? It wasn't a dream?"
"No it wasn't a dream and yes, it really is gone. Here, drink some hot chocolate," said Dad.
The hot chocolate tasted yummy and I realized it was just what I needed.
"Santa even took Jacob and I for a ride in his sleigh while Mom and Dad brought you back to the cottage. We could see the mark in the snow where the force field had burned to the ground," said Abbie. "But don't worry, he said he would take us all for a ride before he leaves on his Christmas Eve run."
"Oh, good. I wanted to take another ride on the sleigh," I said and drank some more chocolate.
"Me, too," said Mom.
"I'd like another go at that as well," said Dad. "How are you feeling? Do you feel up to heading back to the workshop and see what's going on?"
"Yes! I'd like that ride before Santa has to leave," I replied.
"Then let's get out of here. We were just waiting for you Ethan!" said Jacob.
We all headed up to the workshop. Santa was instructing elves on the placement of the bags in the sleigh when we arrived.
"We'll need to shift the bags a little this year. Since Sandy is coming with me, there will not be any room in the front seat. All the bags have to fit in the back seat. Put the first bag I deliver, the one to Eastern Russia, New Zealand, Australia and the other small islands, on the top and then stack each of the bags underneath that. That will help Sandy to keep then straight. Thanks!" said Santa. He turned and saw us, "Ahh, Ethan, you're up. How are you feeling?"
"Fine now," said Ethan.
"Magic can take a lot out of you. Glad to see you're doing okay!" said Santa.
"Did you say Sandy was going with you this year Santa?" asked Abbie.
"She is indeed," said Santa. "It's time she learned the ropes."
"Yes, it's time I learned the ropes but I'm still a little nervous about it all," said Sandy who had just walked in. Santa put his arm around her.
"Plus, it's the perfect opportunity for us to find Sandy a husband, isn't it?" asked Santa.
"Oh Santa, let's not go there yet," said Sandy.
"You never know what destiny has in store for you Sandy," said Santa.
"Just as long as you don't help destiny along, we'll be just fine," said Sandy.
"If not this year, perhaps next," said Santa. "I plan on taking Sandy every year from now on."
"Let's just get through this year and we'll see if I want to go again next year," said Sandy.
"Well, kids, are you ready for your ride?" asked Santa. We all nodded, including my parents who aren't really kids. "Great because the elves are going to start packing the sleigh soon for the run tomorrow and I'm sure Mrs. Claus will have dinner ready shortly as well."
"Yes and besides, we're going to need to go back home soon," said Mom.
We all groaned, including Dad.
"But not before our sleigh ride and another dinner at the North Pole," said Santa.
"Deal!" we all yelled and headed out to the reindeer barn.
We had a fantastic ride that took us all over the North Pole. I have no idea how long we were gone but we were all cold and windswept by the time we returned to the reindeer barn. We said good-bye to the reindeer for the last time since we knew we had to leave the North Pole pretty soon and then headed up to the workshop for dinner. Dinner was delicious as always. Mrs. Claus had made ham and potatoes, our family's traditional Christmas dinner with cheesecake for dessert. Yummy! I'm going to miss Mrs. Claus' food. It was then I realized I didn't know Mrs. Claus' name.
"Mrs. Claus, do you have a first name?" I asked.
"Ethan!" said Mom and Dad together. I guess I wasn't supposed to ask that.
"Nonsense," said Mrs. Claus to Mom and Dad. "It's a valid question. Yes dear, I have a first name. It's Kim but my friends call me Kimmie. I'd be thrilled if you would call me Kimmie for I feel you are a dear friend."
I love Mrs. Claus, Kimmie, and not just for her food either.
In came Penguin Pete, "Well, it's time to get going. I've got to get you home and be back to help Santa and he will need to leave sooner rather than later. Penguin Jeffrey brought all of your things so please get dressed. I've included an extra jacket for Jacob so he won't get cold on the way back but please, next time bring your own."
Yes! Penguin Pete talked about a next time! We quickly put on our jackets and boots, mittens and scarves because we knew Pete had a long night ahead of him. Santa and Sandy came back from the workshop and gave us all quick hugs before they hurried off again. Mrs. Claus had hugs for everyone but I think I got an extra special one from her. I tend to be the favorite in our family. It's because I'm the youngest and cutest. It's hard not to love me.
We looked at each other and then at Penguin Pete.
"Well, it looks like you're ready to go. I want to extend my deepest thanks to all of you for the service you have given to Santa, Sandy, the North Pole and the entire world. We all thank-you," said Penguin Pete.
"That's a very nice speech Penguin Pete. Now get these folks home so they can truly celebrate Christmas," said Mrs. Claus.
And with that we followed Penguin Pete into the large North Pole freezer where ice particles started swirling through the air and before I knew it I was passing by Mom's Dove bars and exiting the freezer at home. Penguin Pete wasn't anywhere to be seen and the freezer door stood open. I looked around and everyone was brushing the ice from their jackets and taking off their winter gear. I moved toward the freezer door to close it but before I did, I whispered into the freezer, "Thanks Pete."
I heard a faint "No, thank-you Ethan!" as I closed the freezer door.
A great big thank-you to my husband who helped me edit this story and to my kids who helped around the house while Mom wrote! Thanks for reading this!