Our writing group is one of the joys of my life. We have a lot in common with each other but enough different that it makes things interesting. I polled the members of the group and have compiled some of my favorites of their answers. Some of the answers I included are funny, some of them are things I didn’t know, some of them are poignant and they all make me love these women all the more. I hope you enjoy!
Day job: Baker and Buttercreamer, aka. “Dr. Prepper”! (I don’t have a doctorate, but it fits so well)
Fictional character you would like to have dinner with: The Tenth Doctor from Doctor Who. It would very likely be a near-death experience, and we’d probably have to save the planet from evil aliens, and run for our lives instead of eating food, but it’d be brilliant. Definitely.
Irrational fear: Calling people on the phone
Secret talent: I play the harp!
If you could choose what/who to come back as, what would it be? A cat. I’d get to take lots of naps, get lots of massages, fit in small places, hunt, and explore.
Irrational fear: Can’t think of any so mine must all be rational!
Secret talent: I can touch my nose with my tongue.
Greatest regret: Not finishing my novel ---- yet!
Where/when were you happiest: Now - nothing like the present to bring happiness.
What do you consider your greatest achievement: Surviving 5 children. (currently still working on it!)
Day job: Dental hygienist, although the work does not end upon walking through the door at the end of the day to a crazy, messy house. It goes on and on and on….
Best writing advice--either your own or someone else’s: “Either write something worth reading, or do something worth writing.” Abraham Lincoln
Secret talent: I am exceptionally good at adding a ridiculous number of commas to everything that I write. Likewise, when I read something written by someone else, it kills me to not be able to add the commas that I see as logical and necessary.
Trait you most deplore in others: Being disingenuous or fake. I can read people pretty well, and can usually tell right away if they are not sincere.
What do you consider your greatest achievement: My four kids are all still alive and (mostly) thriving. Even though I have allowed them to eat junk food on a semi-regular basis, play in the street, and watch television enough to have theme songs memorized, they are all somewhat normal kids.
Education: BA liberal studies, minors: eastern religions and English from San Jose State University
Secret talent: great hugger
Greatest regret: didn't study piano harder, couldn't bear children
How would you like to die: heroically
If you could choose what/who to come back as, what would it be?
Me: Take Two or a do-over
Best way to spend $10: Fish & chips from Ivar’s Mukilteo fish bar. Dine by the beach as you watch the scuba divers. For $10, you can probably afford to buy a kid’s ice cream cone too (which are nearly as big as the regular ones).
First paying job: Babysitting, but my first real job with a W-2 and a paycheck was cleaning the meat department of the QFC. I would help dismantle the machinery and wash all the different components and blades and mop the blood off the floor.
Irrational fear: My minivan careens into the water and I can’t get all my children out. My other irrational non-lethal fear is the kids bringing home lice; it sounds like so much work.
Best writing advice--either your own or someone else’s: “Just about every writer I know sits down to work with some degree of dread.” -Ann Patchett. A good reminder that writing is work and sometimes you just gotta buck up, missy.
Secret talent: When I was substitute teaching elementary school, I could memorize all the kids’ names in the first ten minutes of class.
First paying job: does babysitting count? If not, I worked as a hostess at House of Eggroll when I was 15. I learned how to say delivery, please, thank you, goodbye, and where’s the cat in Chinese.
Best writing advice--either your own or someone else’s: write every day, something horribly written is better than suppressing your thoughts.
Secret talent: extreme couponing. I once bought $383 worth of groceries for $17.
Greatest regret: If I told you, I’d have to kill you...then that would be my newest greatest regret.
What do you consider your greatest achievement: My kids frequently come and confess their “sins” to me. AKA- tell on themselves when they have made a mistake.They are honest and have consciences, which I hope is because of my stellar parenting skills...Well, I birthed them...that’s an achievement, even if I can’t take credit for their awesomeness.
First paying job: I was a bus girl in a coffee shop in a casino.
Irrational fear: mice--although is it irrational? They’re scary.
Secret talent: I am good at remembering birthdays. Also, I am good at recognizing strangers who are related to people that I know. I have stopped telling the strangers I recognize them though because they give me odd looks.
Greatest regret: the time I’ve wasted worrying about and trying too hard at the wrong things.
What do you consider your greatest achievement: my children..I doubt I can take the credit but I’m taking a little bit anyway.
Day job: Baker and Buttercreamer, aka. “Dr. Prepper”! (I don’t have a doctorate, but it fits so well)
Fictional character you would like to have dinner with: The Tenth Doctor from Doctor Who. It would very likely be a near-death experience, and we’d probably have to save the planet from evil aliens, and run for our lives instead of eating food, but it’d be brilliant. Definitely.
Irrational fear: Calling people on the phone
Secret talent: I play the harp!
If you could choose what/who to come back as, what would it be? A cat. I’d get to take lots of naps, get lots of massages, fit in small places, hunt, and explore.
Irrational fear: Can’t think of any so mine must all be rational!
Secret talent: I can touch my nose with my tongue.
Greatest regret: Not finishing my novel ---- yet!
Where/when were you happiest: Now - nothing like the present to bring happiness.
What do you consider your greatest achievement: Surviving 5 children. (currently still working on it!)
Day job: Dental hygienist, although the work does not end upon walking through the door at the end of the day to a crazy, messy house. It goes on and on and on….
Best writing advice--either your own or someone else’s: “Either write something worth reading, or do something worth writing.” Abraham Lincoln
Secret talent: I am exceptionally good at adding a ridiculous number of commas to everything that I write. Likewise, when I read something written by someone else, it kills me to not be able to add the commas that I see as logical and necessary.
Trait you most deplore in others: Being disingenuous or fake. I can read people pretty well, and can usually tell right away if they are not sincere.
What do you consider your greatest achievement: My four kids are all still alive and (mostly) thriving. Even though I have allowed them to eat junk food on a semi-regular basis, play in the street, and watch television enough to have theme songs memorized, they are all somewhat normal kids.
Education: BA liberal studies, minors: eastern religions and English from San Jose State University
Secret talent: great hugger
Greatest regret: didn't study piano harder, couldn't bear children
How would you like to die: heroically
If you could choose what/who to come back as, what would it be?
Me: Take Two or a do-over
Best way to spend $10: Fish & chips from Ivar’s Mukilteo fish bar. Dine by the beach as you watch the scuba divers. For $10, you can probably afford to buy a kid’s ice cream cone too (which are nearly as big as the regular ones).
First paying job: Babysitting, but my first real job with a W-2 and a paycheck was cleaning the meat department of the QFC. I would help dismantle the machinery and wash all the different components and blades and mop the blood off the floor.
Irrational fear: My minivan careens into the water and I can’t get all my children out. My other irrational non-lethal fear is the kids bringing home lice; it sounds like so much work.
Best writing advice--either your own or someone else’s: “Just about every writer I know sits down to work with some degree of dread.” -Ann Patchett. A good reminder that writing is work and sometimes you just gotta buck up, missy.
Secret talent: When I was substitute teaching elementary school, I could memorize all the kids’ names in the first ten minutes of class.
First paying job: does babysitting count? If not, I worked as a hostess at House of Eggroll when I was 15. I learned how to say delivery, please, thank you, goodbye, and where’s the cat in Chinese.
Best writing advice--either your own or someone else’s: write every day, something horribly written is better than suppressing your thoughts.
Secret talent: extreme couponing. I once bought $383 worth of groceries for $17.
Greatest regret: If I told you, I’d have to kill you...then that would be my newest greatest regret.
What do you consider your greatest achievement: My kids frequently come and confess their “sins” to me. AKA- tell on themselves when they have made a mistake.They are honest and have consciences, which I hope is because of my stellar parenting skills...Well, I birthed them...that’s an achievement, even if I can’t take credit for their awesomeness.
First paying job: I was a bus girl in a coffee shop in a casino.
Irrational fear: mice--although is it irrational? They’re scary.
Secret talent: I am good at remembering birthdays. Also, I am good at recognizing strangers who are related to people that I know. I have stopped telling the strangers I recognize them though because they give me odd looks.
Greatest regret: the time I’ve wasted worrying about and trying too hard at the wrong things.
What do you consider your greatest achievement: my children..I doubt I can take the credit but I’m taking a little bit anyway.